How it works?

Shop to earn mode:

  • Merchants publish their store - User shop at our partner location - Merchant pay Advertium commission - Advertium rewards users with crypto cash back - Users can use the token to stake & purchase in-app items or use it anywhere they want in the real world via our Advertium debit card

Watch to Earn mode:

  • Brands publish short advertising videos - user watching and interacting with the advertising by doing micro tasks like store visits or website visit or answering some survey - Advertium rewards users with tokens for doing micro tasks

Advertium Debit Cards

  • Advertium will store their token rewards into users in-app wallet - User can transfer their tokens to Card Wallet - Card wallet is linked with their debit card - users can use the token value to make regular purchases using our Debit Card


  • Users buy tokens or receive it as cashback - Users can stake their tokens to generate passive income

Last updated